
Generating Socio-Economic and Political Awareness, Action Motivation, Sustainable Development

Focus Areas

▪  Right to Food, Water and Food Sovereignty
▪  Agrarian and Land reforms with special emphasis on women's access to land
▪  Promotion of Herbal Tribal Medicare System and organic agricultural practices
▪  Policy advocacy for supporting organic methods of farming
▪  Supporting Self-Help Groups (SHG) among non-farm rural workers, their skill development, value addition and market support
▪  Skill training to rural and semi-urban youths and women from economically weak background
▪  Education of the children of the rural poor
▪  Climate change and Environmental Sustainability campaigns (Rain water harvesting, climate resilient production of food etc.)
▪  Strengthening local self-governance steadily through training, exposure and other supports as needed
▪  Policy Research, Participatory Action Research (PRA) and documentation on above areas
▪  Overarching Community Capacity Building, Institutional Development
▪  Legal Support to women who suffer from domestic violence
▪  Promotion of agenda - Genuine Agrarian reform (going beyond land reform) to ensure small scale family farming is profitable and retain rural youths in rural economy, thus reducing rural-urban migration
▪  Promotion of peace and communal harmony
▪  Human rights education
▪  Awareness on democratic and administrative reforms
▪  Helping aged and the disadvantaged people to access social security scheme

Target Group

▪  Landless Agricultural Workers
▪  Non-farm rural workers
▪  Women farmers
▪  Sub-marginal, marginal and small peasants
▪  Fisherfolk
▪  Indigenous people and forest dwellers
▪  Poor Rural women
▪  Rural artisans
▪  Students and youth
▪  Multi stakeholders of civil society